Health and Wellness Links

Medicare Information

Helps guide seniors through all of the available Medicare plan options and provides a list of helpful community organizations

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Institute on Aging

Health and wellness information for seniors.


MEDLINEplus provides up-to-date, quality healthcare information from the world's largest medical library.

MedlinePlus-Drugs & Suppliments

Your go-to list for drug, herbs & supplement information

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Information on other health options

NCCIH - Herbs

Herbs at a glance.


Pill identifier


PubMed provides access to over 14 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE and other related databases.

Women's Health

Get current information on women's health and wellness.

Girl's Health

We have clear, fun, and reliable info on many topics. We are here to help you... Be healthy. Be happy. Be you.

FDA - for Consumers

Updates and information for staying safe and healthy.

Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals' (DIA) Health Facilities Division (HFD)

This site includes a directory of long-term care facilities and inspection report cards for a wide variety of health care fac